Update Port Order Presets

If the Port Order is in a ‘Pending’, ‘Processing’, Submitted, ‘Rejected’, ‘Review, or ‘Accepted’ status, the user is able to change the presets on the Port Order. These presets determine routing for the phone numbers, CNAM values and E911 Addresses for the phone numbers in the port order. NOTE: All presets specified will be applied to all phone numbers in the Port Order.

Only include the fields you wish to change. Presets are applied to the phone numbers when the Port Order is completed.

NOTE: The specified presets must already exist. If you specify a ‘cnam_id’ value of 3333, there must be a CNAM record in your account with an ID of 3333.

NOTE: When reviewing the Port Orders in the Manage Portal, only the route presets will be shown. Flowroute cannot apply the E911 or CNAM presets until the porting process is complete. This will take place on the morning the order is complete.


PATCH /portorders/:portorder_id

Example Requests

  • presets

    Preset values for number services related to your porting phone numbers. The services will be activated when the port order completes, and your phone numbers are migrated to Flowroute.

    • cnam_id

      The unique CNAM ID to be assigned for CNAM storage on the porting phone numbers (the Caller-ID Name displayed on outbound calls). Note that only long code or local numbers can be associated with a CNAM record and it takes 5-7 business days for the Caller ID Name to be applied.

    • e911_id

      The unique E911 ID containing the E911 address details to be assigned to the porting phone numbers.

    • primary_route_id

      Primary voice route ID to be assigned to the porting phone number. See Update Primary Voice Route for A Phone Number for more details.

    • failover_route_id

      Failover voice route ID to be assigned to the porting phone number. See Update Failover Voice Route for A Phone Number for more details.

    • alias

      Text alias to assign to the phone numbers on port completion

Response Format

On success, the HTTP status code in the response header is 200 OK and the body contains the updated version of the port order.

Example Request

							PATCH /v2/portorders/42361 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

"presets": {
  "cnam_id": 1233,
  "e911_id": 56,
  "alias": "New Office",
  "failover_route_id": 92832,
  "primary_route_id": 88122


							200 OK

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "alias": "Port Order 6/12/2018",
      "billing_address": {
        "city": "Seattle",
        "country": "US",
        "state": "WA",
        "street": "1218 3rd Ave",
        "street2": null,
        "zip": "98101"
      "billing_name": "John Doe",
      "billing_number": "",
      "business_documents": [
          "filename": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/port-order-docs/csr.pdf",
          "status": "uploaded"
          "filename": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/port-order-docs/bill.pdf",
          "status": "failed"
      "presets": {
        "cnam_id": 1233,
        "e911_id": 56,
        "alias": "New Office",
        "failover_route_id": 92832,
        "primary_route_id": 88122
      "comments": [],
      "company": "Leather Inc.",
      "cost": "7.5",
      "desired_completion_date": "2018-07-12",
      "enable_cnam_lookups": true,
      "group_id": "38697",
      "last_4_ssn": "",
      "loa_details": {
        "cc": "mbermudez+test@flowroute.com",
        "email": "mbermudez@flowroute.com"
      "numbers": [
      "pin": "4321",
      "provider": "Verizon",
      "provider_account": "123ABC",
      "status": "pending",
      "status_updated_at": null,
      "status_url": "https://ycx56aoy9j.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dev/message_to_slack",
      "usage_type": "residential"
    "id": "42361",
    "links": {
      "self": "https://api.flowroute.com/v2/portorders/42361"
    "type": "portorder"
  "links": {
    "self": "https://api.flowroute.com/v2/portorders/42361"