If the Port Order is in a ‘Pending’ status, the user is able to change the phone numbers on the Port Order.
PATCH /portorders/:portorder_id/relationships/numbersBody Parameters
listA comma delimited list of numbers to add. Can be empty.
listA comma delimited list of numbers to remove. Can be empty.
Response Format
On success, the HTTP status code in the response header is 200 OK and the response body contains a new copy of the specified Port Order.
Example Request
PATCH /v2/portorders/41351/relationships/numbers HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"add": ["+1206555444", "+15465934334"],
"remove": ["+18474859454", "+120611233212"],
Example Request
curl -X PATCH https://api.flowroute.com/v2/portorders/41352/relationships/numbers -u accessKey:secretKey -d '{"add": ["+12342235677", "+14536775443"]}' -H 'Content-Type':'application/json'
200 OK
"data": {
"attributes": {
"alias": "Port Order 6/12/2018",
"billing_address": {
"city": "Seattle",
"country": "US",
"state": "WA",
"street": "1218 3rd Ave",
"street2": null,
"zip": "98101"
"billing_name": "John Doe",
"billing_number": "",
"business_documents": [
"filename": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/port-order-docs/csr.pdf",
"status": "uploaded"
"filename": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/port-order-docs/bill.pdf",
"status": "failed"
"comments": [],
"company": "Leather Inc.",
"cost": "7.5",
"desired_completion_date": "2018-07-12",
"enable_cnam_lookups": true,
"group_id": "38697",
"last_4_ssn": "",
"loa_details": {
"cc": "mbermudez+test@flowroute.com",
"email": "mbermudez@flowroute.com"
"numbers": [
"pin": "4321",
"presets": {
"cnam_id": null,
"e911_id": null,
"alias": null,
"failover_route_id": null,
"primary_route_id": null
"provider": "Verizon",
"provider_account": "123ABC",
"status": "pending",
"status_updated_at": null,
"status_url": "https://ycx56aoy9j.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dev/message_to_slack",
"usage_type": "residential"
"id": "42361",
"links": {
"self": "https://api.flowroute.com/v2/portorders/42361"
"type": "portorder"
"links": {
"self": "https://api.flowroute.com/v2/portorders/42361"