Check Number Portability

Allows you to check if a particular long code or toll-free number can be ported to Flowroute before creating a port order.


POST portorders/portability

Body Parameters

  • numbers

    Long code or toll-free phone numbers in E.164 format that will be validated to find out whether they are portable and hypernetwork-enabled. The preceding + is REQUIRED.

Response Fields

On success, the HTTP status code in the response header is 200 OK and the response body contains a list of portable, non-portable, and hypernetwork-enabled phone numbers.

  • data

    JSON object containing the different groupings for the validated phone numbers.

  • hypernetwork_enabled

    A list of phone numbers that are enabled on the Flowroute HyperNetwork.

  • nonportable

    A list of phone numbers that cannot be ported to Flowroute.

  • portable

    A list of phone numbers that can be ported to Flowroute.

Example Request

						POST /v2/portorders/portability HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

  "numbers": [

Example Request

						curl -X POST -u accessKey:secretKey -d '{"numbers": ["+12065013456", "+18002546788", "+18002255277"]}' -H 'Content-Type':'application/json'

Response Format

						200 OK

  "data": {
    "hypernetwork_enabled": [
    "nonportable": [
    "portable": [