Callback Notifications

Many of the Flowroute API's provide notifications via a Webhook or Callback url. If specified, the Flowroute server will submit an HTTP POST message to the URL specified in the request.

Here is a list of the current API Endpoints that support Callback Notifications:

All submissions are sent via HTTP POST and are in JSON format. Payloads will differ by endpoint. See the links above for more detailed information about the individual callbacks.

Base URL

	'message': 'post request',
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "at": "2019-03-19T22:49:48.060559+00:00",
            "customer_id": "33fd86cd562457f5b9653ce8c9f6b207",
            "event_type": "status_change",
            "id": "1e4e5686-b739-5fc5-918c-8db0b36ce6a6",
            "message": "Port Order #50404 has been cancelled.",
            "resource_id": "50404",
            "resource_type": "portorders",
            "status": "cancelled",
            "timestamp": "2019-03-19T22:49:48.060559+00:00",
            "type": "event",
            "url_override": "",
            "version": "1.0"
        "id": "1e4e5686-b739-5fc5-918c-8db0b36ce6a6",
        "type": "po_status_change",
        "timestamp": "2019-03-19T22:49:48.060Z"
	'headers': 'X-Forwarded-For:\nX-Forwarded-Proto: http\nX-Forwarded-Port: 80\nHost:\nX-Amzn-Trace-Id: Self=1-5c91720c-39ac3d3d8add9c5908a33533;Root=1-5c91720c-328d018083c41a80ec5a2300;Parent=7abf69f43bc31e56;Sampled=1\nContent-Length: 574\nUser-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1\nContent-Type: application/json\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\n\n',
	'path': '/',
	'client_address': ''