Lets you create a Caller ID record for your account which can then be assigned to any of your long code numbers. To assign a CNAM record to your number, see Assign a CNAM Record to Your Phone Number. Note that CNAM records take up to 48 hours to be approved on your account and further association with a phone number takes 5-7 business days.
CNAM Storage Rules
- You can enter up to 15 characters for your CNAM value at least one of which is a letter.
- In addition to spaces, the following special characters are allowed: - _ . , @ + & ' / " Please note that special characters may be removed by other network entities, and this is outside of our control.
- While most CNAM presets can be approved, the following are not allowed and must be rejected:
- Consist of curse words and/or is inappropriate.
- A phone number (CNAM must be a name not a number)
- If the CNAM preset which the customer has submitted appears to be misleading such as:
- Political Figures or Places (Obama, Barack or The White House)
- False or fake CNAM (Seattle Police)
POST /cnamsBody Parameters
string REQUIREDThe string to be displayed as the CNAM for a long code number.
Response Fields
On success, the HTTP status code in the response header is 201 Created and the response body contains a cnam object in JSON format. On error, the header status code is an error code and the response body contains an array of error objects.