CDR Export Data

The Flowroute CDR API returns a large amount of data. This article will describe what data is returned and the format of the data file.

Once the CDR job is complete and you have downloaded the generated data file, see Query CDRs for how to initiate this process, you will need to un-compress the data file. The resulting file is a 'CSV' file, with the first line being a list of the fields in the report. To process this file you could use a Python Solution or any other programming language to parse the file.

The fields are returned as follows: (see the Glossary for more information about these fields.)

  1. direction
  2. start_time
  3. end_time
  4. destination
  5. number_alias
  6. callerid
  7. total_cost
  8. destination_name
  9. callerid_country
  10. line_information
  11. result
  12. call_fail_sip_code
  13. call_fail_reason
  14. duration
  15. billed_duration
  16. rate
  17. first_increment
  18. subsequent_increment
  19. cost_subtotal
  20. connect_fee
  21. usf_fee
  22. ccrf
  23. cnam_lookup_fee
  24. custom_x_tag
  25. customer_ip

Example Data

Outbound,2019-06-25 18:18:54+00,2019-06-25 18:19:31+00,18774551500,Office Line 2,+12063389999,0.00000000,UNITED STATES - TOLL FREE,N/A,,completed,200,OK,37,42,0.000000,6,6,0.00000000,0.0000,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000,,
Inbound,2019-06-25 18:18:00+00,2019-06-25 18:18:29+00,12063389999,Office Line 2,+12069928999,0.00474784,UNITED STATES,UNITED STATES,61,completed,200,OK,29,30,0.001500,6,6,0.00075000,0.0000,0.00000000,0.00009784,0.00390000,,
Outbound,2019-06-25 18:15:38+00,2019-06-25 18:17:24+00,12069928999,Office Line 1,+12063389998,0.01994112,UNITED STATES,N/A,,completed,200,OK,106,108,0.009800,6,6,0.01764000,0.0000,0.00000000,0.00230112,0.00000000,,