The Flowroute Python Library v2 provides methods for interacting with Messages v2 of the Flowroute API.
- Flowroute API credentials
- Python 2.x or higher
First, start a command shell session and clone the flowroute-messaging-python Github repo.
git clone
Switch to the newly-created flowroute-messaging-python directory. The Messaging SDK for Python comes with a requirements file listing the required Python libraries.
pip install -r requirements.txt
In Flowroute's approach to building the Messaging (v2) API wrapper, HTTP requests are handled by the APIController, which contains the functions used to perform tasks with the Python SDK.
- create_message() - Send outbound messages from a SMS-enabled Flowroute number
- get_message_lookup() - Retrieve a message detail record (MDR) based on a specific record ID
The following shows how you can import and instantiate the APIController:
#Import the Controllers
from FlowrouteMessagingLib.Models.Message import Message
from FlowrouteMessagingLib.Controllers.APIController import APIController
In file, replace API_ACCESS_KEY and API_SECRET_KEY with your API credentials from the Flowroute Manager.
#Pass your API credentials
controller = APIController(username="API_ACCESS_KEY", password="API_SECRET_KEY")
The method accepts the to, from, and body parameters which you can learn more about in the API reference.
#Create and Send a Message
msg = Message(to="15305557784", from_="18444205700", content="Gee, nice marmot!")
response = controller.create_message(msg)
Example Response
"data": {
"id": "mdr1-fab29a740129404a8ca794efc1359e12'
The method accepts the record_id parameter which you can learn more about in the API reference.
# Look up the MDR
response = controller.get_message_lookup("mdr1-fab29a740129404a8ca794efc1359e12")
Example Response
"data": {
"attributes": {
"body": "Gee, nice marmot!",
"direction": "outbound",
"amount_nanodollars": 4000000,
"message_encoding": 0,
"timestamp": "2016-05-03T17:41:00.478893+00:00",
"has_mms": false,
"to": "15305557784",
"amount_display": "$0.0040",
"from": "18444205700",
"callback_url": None,
"message_type": "long-code"
"type": "message",
"id": "mdr1-cfab29a740129404a8ca794efc1359e12"
In cases of method errors, the API Controller returns an error object with the same fields as our API's error response.
Example Error
<FlowrouteMessagingLib.Controllers.APIController.APIController object at 0x10af2fc90>
Error - 401
[{u'detail': u'Authentication failed.',
u'id': u'277d6cfc-0577-4bfb-aaee-2c819a20223c',
u'status': 401,
u'title': u'Unauthorized'}]